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Saturday, 25 May 2019

A Giant of a Man

                                                         A Tall Tale.....

Before I came to London to join the Police Service, I had to complete several tests back home in Ireland at our local Police Station.   I did an examination which I found quite easy.   I had to have a medical examination including dental.   I passed with flying colours.   It was then I came to the crucial test.  

You see, the height restriction in those days, 1966, was five feet eight inches and as even after numerous stretching exercises, I could not make myself any taller than my five feet seven and a half inches.   I practiced the stretching exercises for weeks without any improvement.

Oddly enough, the measurement certificate was the final part of the examination in Ireland.

I attended the police station and spoke with Sergeant Cleary.   He was a gentleman and a personal friend of my father.    And how tall do you have to be Michael?’ he asked.   Five feet eight inches Sergeant’ I replied.   He did not measure me but took the form and as he wrote on it, he muttered ‘Aw feck it Michael, sure we will make you six feet one inch to be on the safe side’.    He completed the form and I sent it away to the recruitment centre in London.
Sergeant Cleary in the centre

After a couple of months, I was called over to London where I sat the entrance examination which incidentally was identical to that which I had completed in Ireland.  It was even easier the second time around.

As I passed through the many tests, the group of applicants was being reduced by those who failed, by well over seventy-five percent.   I was amazed that I still remained in the passing group but dreaded the upcoming height test.   Again it was the last test.

As I approached the person making the measurements and as I was bare-footed I doubted that I would even reach my normal five feet seven and a half inches.   As I stood on the mark, the examiner suddenly said ‘Oopse a daisy’ as I raised my head and he continued ‘Five feet eight inches’.   I was delighted and later that day I was informed that I had been successful in passing the entrance.

In actual fact, my height never caused me any problem during the first couple of years service and it was about three years later that the height requirement was abolished.   It was due to the fact that Asian men and women only averaged five feet six inches or less.

When I said it caused me no problem, I should explain that the City of London – as distinct from the Metropolitan – had a height requirement of six feet.   Many of their officers were well over six feet and many closer to seven.

At one period there was a very violent strike on the borders between the City and the Metropolitan.   The City had their officers whilst the Met had equal numbers.   They would push the demonstrators onto our patch and we in turn would push them back onto theirs.   It went on for months.

Two City officers, and I swear they stood about seven feet tall and weighted close to twenty stone each used to search me out.   They called me ‘Paddy the Metrognome’ and put their arms under my shoulders and walked around with me.   There I was with my feet dangling a couple of feet off the ground.

My final word on height is that if it was ever mentioned by other officers I used to claim that I ‘got in’ by using my brains and to hell with the half-inch.   I never mentioned Sergeant Cleary and his six feet one inch certificate.............


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