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Monday, 2 March 2020

In the Valley of the Dargle......

Lovers Leap………

In the Valley of the Dargle, I stood alone on Lovers Leap,

From high above, the hills stared at me, below the river dark and deep.

I thought of days, long gone before me, I thought of what life held for me,

Whilst in my heart, I had a yearning, a longing just to be set free.

A lifetime spent in far-off  London, as a ‘ Peeler’ dressed in blue,
Wishing to be home in Wicklow, wishing to be back with you.
Dreaming of my youth and boyhood, roaming o’er your hills at play,
Growing up into my manhood, fearing moving far away.

Finding love and all its passion, getting wed and settling down,
Building home for all the family, working hard in that foul town.
Children born, their peaceful dreaming, waking crying through the night,
Onward too, until their weddings, what a wondrous happy sight.

But fifty years is just an instant, in God’s good but devious plan,
Now that I am home in Wicklow, not a youth, but an old man.
I ask myself  ‘Well, was it worth it?’  My answer surely must be ‘Yes’,
Would I do it, a new chance to? My answer is ‘Just have one guess’.

What would have happened, had I not wandered?   Left you Wicklow, gone away.
What would have happened? Again I ask you, had I decided, yes to stay.
All things precious to my memory, would come to nothing, had I not gone,
Love, a dream that’s fast forgotten, out of mind like an ancient song.

So as I stand here, sad and lonely, I think of things as great as these,
Standing here, in my sad madness, I should be down on bended knees.
For life’s been good with many blessings, thank you Lord, I give thee praise,
I turn my back onto the darkness, stepping back to brighter days.

---------   Mike..........

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