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Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Lockdown or Lockup....

For the Times, They are a Changin…..

We are living in the strangest period of my life and being almost eighty years of age, I find it very odd to say the least.

I can well remember some of the War years in the early 1940’s and although it was in the Republic of Ireland, who remained neutral during the conflict, I still recall the sounding of the air raid sirens from time to time.

I also remember some of the old people speaking of the ‘curfews’ during the Irish Civil War of the 1920's.   As children we would be shown the damage caused by gun shots fired by the hated ‘Black and Tans’ at people who were outdoors when they should not have been.

In London, at the moment (March 2020) there has been declared a ‘State of Emergency’ by the Government with some of the measures imposed so stringent that the streets are more or less empty, shops being cleared of food and essentials by panic buying.   That is of course, if the shops can legally remain open.

There is unprecedented demand on the Health Services, with some patients being declined life-saving treatment.

Police have been given new powers to break up groups of people – at the moment by means of ‘words of advice’ with on the spot fines as a follow-up if such advice is ignored.

Having served over thirty years in the police service, I find it extremely hard to grasp as it is totally against every rule the law previously gave to officers.

Football matches and all sporting events have been cancelled or postponed until such time as it is possible to play at a later and hopefully safer time.

Formula One racing is being cancelled or postponed all over the world and it is now almost certain that the Olympics in Japan, scheduled for July, will be put back for a year or two.

As for policing, so many officers are becoming ill with ‘the Virus’ that an idea is being proposed that retired officers, such as yours truly, will be asked to return to duty and be sworn-in as Special Constables.  I can unfortunately see this becoming very necessary in the not too distant future to assist current officers to deal with crowd and public disorder.

‘Vulnerable People’ which includes those over seventy have been advised most strongly to remain indoors for twelve weeks.   Last weekend, contrary to Government health warnings, the public was advised to remain indoors and away from crowds.   As it happens, Sunday was quite a Spring-like day and thousands, if not tens of thousands, made their way to beauty spots and seaside resorts.   A video of Bondi Beach in Australia gives an idea of what was happening at British seaside resorts and beauty spots countrywide.

Deaths from the Virus are creeping up in Great Britain on a daily basis, but I strongly feel that until such time – and that time will come – the figures reach into the tens of thousands, the public, in particular the young, will continue to flout the request and advice of those responsible for their health and safety.

As I said at the beginning: ‘We are living in the strangest period’…………………………..


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