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Tuesday, 9 April 2019

My Instructions Are

In yesterday’s post entitled ‘The Judge’, I was surprised to some extent at the pity shown towards the criminal.  I am not an unforgiving person and my thirty-one years in the police has not hardened me.   I will merely say that the biggest falsehoods (I will not call them lies) are not told by police officers, but made by not only the criminals themselves but by those representing them.  Beware whenever you hear one of them say ‘My instructions are........’

The Defence Barrister.

‘My instructions are’ the Lawyer. said,

‘ The witness for the defence is dead,

The alibi we intended to use,

Would only tend to confuse,

The jury, who, in their quest,

Will yet, I pray, still do their best’.

‘ The cash they found in his account,

Although I agree, a large amount,

Was not that taken from the till,

Will be explained, he says he will,

Provide the horses names and date,

On which he won, my client will state’.

My client was nowhere near the flat,

My witness would have confirmed that,

The footprint seen, was not his size,

The victim, she is telling lies,

The knife the police found in his car,

Was not his, my instructions are’.

The Judge awoke and used his gavel,

He tried his best to unravel,

What had been said, by the Defence,

‘ Sir. You are talking pure nonsense,

He stole the cash, its plain you see,

Your client has already pleaded Guilty’.


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