A Terrible Beauty is
At a couple of minutes
past twelve noon on Easter
Monday 24th April 1916, a hushed silence fell upon the inquisitive
passers-by in O’Connell
Street Dublin. They stood and looked in some amazement at the group
of soldiers in green uniforms on the steps of the General Post Office.
One, Patrick Pearse began to
read from a large document: "Irishmen
and Irishwomen: In the name of God and of the dead generations from which she
receives her old tradition of nationhood…………..". He continued
whilst the crowd stood in total silence until he came to the end. "……..In this supreme hour the
Irish nation must, by its valour and discipline and
by the readiness of its children to sacrifice themselves
for the common good, prove itself worthy of the august destiny to which it is
The reading was from
the Irish Declaration
of Independence, which was then posted on the door of the Post Office. The soldiers
then entered the building. With that the crowd of onlookers began to break up
and continue with their shopping and other business. Many laughed, others
sniggered whilst all looked about themselves to see ‘if the police were coming’.
Young men were handing out
copies of the Declaration to anyone interested and one copy was placed under a
stone at the base of Nelson’s
Column opposite.
A sudden interest was
shown at the strange flags now flying above the Post Office. There was a Green,
White and Yellow tricolour and a green flag with some print on it.
theory, if not in actual conflict, the Easter Rising of 1916 had
begun. It
would shape the country to the present day.
The British Intelligence Service in
Dublin was taken completely unawares by the action and although many of
the Dublin Metropolitan
Police may well have been aware, there was no visible sign of
their presence. After all, the British
Army, which included a great number of Irishmen in its ranks, was
deeply entrenched on the Somme in
the eighteenth month old The
Great War (World War One).
fact, the start of the plans for the Easter Rising began
being made literally within days of the August 1914 declaration of war between
the Germans and Britain. Ireland was, and some might have said was
unwillingly, under the control of Britain.
At a meeting of the Irish Republican Brotherhood at
the time it was stated that ‘England’s
difficulty is Ireland’s opportunity’. A motion was passed at the
same meeting 1. To establish a military council. 2. To seek whatever help possible
from the Germans. 3. To secure control of The Irish Volunteers.
The organisers never
envisaged, or in fact expected, that an uprising would result in a military
victory; far from it. They did however believe that it would enable them to
declare a ‘Republic’,
to gain full Irish support for the cause and to claim a place at the post war
peace conference when the Great
War ended.
Various other groups such
as Trade Unions, the
Gaelic League, Sinn Fein and others had already been
infiltrated by the Brotherhood
in anticipation of such a move.
Ireland and England had
been at each other’s throats for well over three hundred years and there had
been many uprisings during the period.
When William of Orange was
put on the English throne in the late 1600’s and James Second (the true King) was kicked off it, there were
many battles including the infamous Battle
of the Boyne in 1690. James was defeated and Ireland was put
firmly under the control of the English
There had not been an
uprising in Ireland since the failed 1798
Rebellion so almost 120 years had passed before such a ‘good’ opportunity arose or
was likely to arise in the foreseeable future.
The Ulster-Irish were in
uproar at the same time, as for some thirty years there had been attempts in London to give
Ireland ‘Home Rule’.
This would have been accepted by the Southern Irish but was fiercely defied
by the Ulstermen.
The first Home Rule Bill in 1886 was
defeated in the London
Parliament. The second attempt in 1893 was passed by the Commons but rejected
by the House of Lords.
However, on the third attempt in 1912 it was again passed by the Commons,
rejected by the Lords and passed when the Parliament Act was invoked. It was promised by the British Government that the entire
island of Ireland would be granted Home Rule on 18 September
The Ulster people
protested throughout the entire process and formed the Ulster Volunteer Force on
13 January 1913. This resulted in the formation of the Irish Volunteers in
the south to defend the up-and-coming Home Rule. However, with the outbreak of
war, the bill was
suspended until after the war ended.
The Germans
had been watching the process in Ireland with great interest for the previous
thirty years and were of the opinion that England would be too busy to enter
any war on account of such problems. The German Kaiser was convinced that this
assumption was correct when he saw the warlike attitude of the Ulster people
towards Home Rule.
He and his Generals were
happy that England would be too busy with such problems, as the Ulster
Volunteers were now a fully armed militia. When the Irish Volunteers in the
south were formed, they too were armed. A civil war in Ireland was anticipated
which would keep the English army busy. Germany also believed that the large number of
Irishmen in the British Army would revolt causing more problems.........
interesting point that arose as a result of the rising was that England had to
station 50,000 soldiers in Ireland. Recruitment to the British Army basically
ceased in Ireland, which in theory made a net loss to their army of 100,000
men. Men she could ill-afford to do without).
we all know, England fought a prolonged war against Germany, the Easter Rising
took place and after the Irish rebels were defeated, the leaders were
court-martialled and shot.
The Irish,
in particular the Dubliners,
were and had always been fiercely loyal to the Crown and were quite content
with the status-quo but when the British began executing the leaders of the
uprising, their loyalty rapidly turned anti-British.
One ‘rebel’ leader, James Connolly, was injured
before he was captured and it was reported that he was strapped to a chair when
facing the firing squad. As he was a leader of the Irish Trade Union
movement, this struck a truly sore note in most, if not all, Irish workers.
Irishmen’s firmly held belief in what was ‘fair’ and what was not turned the majority
against the British army and the British government resulting in an almost
complete turnabout in favour of a Republic.
And so ‘a terrible beauty was born’.
Easter 1916.
William Butler Yates.
William Butler Yates.
have met them at close of day
Coming with vivid faces
From counter or desk
Among grey Eighteenth-century houses.
I have passed with a nod of the head
Or polite meaningless words,
Or have lingered awhile and said
Polite meaningless words,
And thought before I had done
Of a mocking tale or a gibe
To please a companion
Around the fire at the club,
Being certain that they and I
But lived where motley is worn:
All changed, changed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born.
That woman's days were spent
In ignorant good-will,
Her nights in argument
Until her voice grew shrill.
What voice more sweet than hers
When, young and beautiful,
She rode to harriers?
This man had kept a school
And rode our winged horse;
This other his helper and friend
Was coming into his force;
He might have won fame in the end,
So sensitive his nature seemed,
So daring and sweet his thought.
This other man I had dreamed
A drunken, vainglorious lout.
He had done most bitter wrong
To some who are near my heart,
Yet I number him in the song
He, too, has resigned his part
In the casual comedy;
He, too, has been changed in his turn,
Transformed utterly:
A terrible beauty is born.
Hearts with one purpose alone
Through summer and winter seem
Enchanted to a stone
To trouble the living stream.
The horse that comes from the road.
The rider, the birds that range
From cloud to tumbling cloud,
Minute by minute they change;
A shadow of cloud on the stream
Changes minute by minute;
A horse-hoof slides on the brim,
And a horse splashes within it;
The long-legged moor-hens dive,
And hens to moor-cocks call;
Minute by minute they live:
The stone's in the midst of all.
Too long a sacrifice
Can make a stone of the heart.
O when may it suffice?
That is Heaven's part, our part
To murmur name upon name,
As a mother names her child
When sleep at last has come
On limbs that had run wild.
What is it but nightfall?
No, no, not night but death;
Was it needless death after all?
For England may keep faith
For all that is done and said.
We know their dream; enough
To know they dreamed and are dead;
And what if excess of love
Bewildered them till they died?
I write it out in a verse -
MacDonagh and MacBride
And Connolly and Pearse
Now and in time to be,
Wherever green is worn,
Are changed, changed utterly:
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